Wednesday, December 29, 2010

E sharp

Me: "Play your F# scale.. Stop, finger and say note-names."
Junior Boy: "I was doing it right until I got to the upper-upper-stupid-note."

Junior Boy: "You have a blog? What's on it?"
Me: "Quotes from my stupids... I mean students."

Me: "What note is D flat the same as?"
8th-grade boy: "Hold on... Let me do the the math.... E sharp."

This is a Facebook message I received:
7th-grade boy wrote: [John] keeps saying that you accepted his friend request. But Im sure you didnt, since it never said it did. Can you tell him that you didnt accept his request.? Cuz we had a bet;; $20 ;D money. & never accept it. :) Thank You 

Friday, December 10, 2010

Paranormal Activity

Me: "How was your Thanksgiving?"
6th-grade boy: "Good. I ate so much at the Thanksgiving feast, that when I was running, I fell down on my stomach, and threw up, and it came out like a water-gun."
Me: "Awesome."

Same 6th-grade boy: "Oh, man, I have one of those throw-up burps right now."

7th-grade boy: "Mr. V banned scales from the building, so we can't do any in lessons today."
Me: "OK, get out your arpeggios."
7th-grade boy: "OK, I'll do my scales."
Me: "That's what I thought."

7th-grade boy: "I HATE THIS REED!"
Me: "Are you OK or do I need to put on a helmet?"

8th-grade boy: "We were too scared to watch Paranormal Activity directly so we watched the reflection of it on my lizard's cage."

7th-grade boy: "OK, so I'm going to play my solo for you, and you're going to tell me what I'm doing wrong. OK?"
Me: "Yes."